Reviews + Interviews

The Speed of Cloudsis a love letter to fandom and to embracing geeky passions – whether it’s collectibles, science fiction, music, art, architecture, or web design. Seidel balances Mindy’s day-to-day life with excerpts from her fan fiction, and the fan fiction she receives as editor of her new online venture. The two worlds inform and enrich each other, adding depth to the characters through their inner lives.… The Speed of Clouds also shines in its characters, especially Mindy who is allowed to be flawed, and in her own words “bitchy”. She’s a fully-rounded human being, pushing away her friends and family without losing them, experiencing self-doubt, but managing to fight through it, and taking control of her body through her decisions about her health, mobility, and her sexuality. It’s a poignant novel, and as a debut, leaves me eager to see what Seidel does next.”A.C. Wise ‚“Women to Read: April 2018,” The Book Smugglers

The Speed of Clouds is a compelling read for many reasons. First, the characters themselves are treated as complex individuals. No one falls into tropes or stereotypes, and the diversity present transcends boundaries of class, ability, race, and sexual orientation. … Because the characters are so well-written and come across as fully formed people, The Speed of Clouds is able to address themes of community, acceptance, and openness with the depth these themes deserve. … Overall, this is a fantastic read with characters who will make you cheer and hurt for them, a plot that delivers, and strong depth of feeling all the way through.”—Jaclyn M Brown in The Coil

Mindy gets A+ for character development. Also getting an A+? The author, for somehow wrapping up fandoms, Buckminster Fuller, art shows, and the Indian Ghost Dance interestingly, all in 268 pages.” —Shruti Ramanujam in THIS IS LIT

It’s refreshing to hear a story told from a group of people who sometimes fall under the radar. Mindy and her friends can be found at Comic Cons, arguing about fictional characters, and obsessing over a fantasy world. I would recommend this book to both lovers of science fiction and regular fiction.” —Brittany Loeffler at Hidden River Arts

Through Mindy’s “SkyLog” fanzine and related emails, Seidel evokes Star Trek fandom around the turn of the millennium, but also creates a new and compelling science fictional universe, similar to what Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl does for the Harry Potter fandom with ‘Simon Snow.’ … The Speed of Clouds is recommended to fans of all types, especially female sf fans, audiences with visible and invisible disabilities, and anyone who’s ever imagined a geodesic gym might be a beacon toward your real home.”Space Station Mir


Life ElsewhereThe Inner Lives of Sci Fi Fans,” Interview with Norman B. on Life Elsewhere Radio:

An Interview with Miriam Seidel,” Interview with author A. C. Wise:

Interview with Miriam Seidel, Author of The Speed of Clouds,” on Hidden River Arts blog: