The Asteroid Belt Almanac

Asteroid Belt Almanac coverWhat if Poor Richard’s Almanac were reimagined for today? The Asteroid Belt Almanac, coming soon from The Head and the Hand Press in Philadelphia, is all about using this homey literary form to help us imagine the futures we’re moving toward. The old Farmer’s Almanac offered stories and interpretations of the stars to help farmers with their planting. The Asteroid Belt Almanac is a place to consider the strange intersections of creativity, science and technology that we’re experiencing now.

It will include my essay, Gravity and the Cloud, an expansion on my blog post Gravity and the Noosphere (both inspired by seeing the movie Gravity), as well as the script for a graphic novel about travel to Mars, thoughts on music in the digital age, star charts, and much more. The publishers hope that it will “help to measure the kind of atmospheric pressure felt between daring hypotheses, between small steps and giant leaps.”

Preorder the Asteroid Belt Almanac! For $15, or more if you would like extra rewards, you’ll get a beautiful book, craft-printed on recycled paper. I love how with this project, The Head and the Hand Press is linking its commitment to fine artisanal printing with a new way of funding, via Pubslush, a site dedicated to crowdfunding for books.


3 responses to “The Asteroid Belt Almanac”

  1. peterckinney Avatar


    I loved your essay,
    full of interesting speculations and thoughts.
    I will order a copy of the Almanac.
    Thanks for the heads up. 


  2. mirseidel Avatar

    Thank you, Sam! You’ll be the first to know when Noosphere tours are set up! I’m waiting for the price of a trip past the stratosphere to come down.

  3. Sam Gridley Avatar

    I’ve preordered via Pubslush. Will you be leading a guided tour of the Noosphere anytime soon?

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